Bulk Feeder
February 24, 2023 2023-02-24 14:59Bulk Feeder
Bulk Feeder

Bevcon Bulk Feeder is an above ground apron chain belt conveyor to convey varied bulk materials. This equipment provides a user friendly, cost effective and alternative to conventional below ground feeding & conveying system by eliminating huge civil works. Bevcon Bulk Feeder is capable of receiving varied bulk materials from all types of heavy duty vehicles like tipper trucks, truck tipplers and dumpers etc.
Trucks / trailers can rapidly discharge with minimum vehicle turnaround. Can convey volumetric capacities up to 300Cum/Hr with maximum bulk density of 2.0 Tons/Cum. Can be used for conveying varied bulk materials like Coal, Pet coke, Iron Ore, Clinker, Limestone, Bauxite, Gypsum, Sand etc.
- Low cost above ground installation
- Low noise levels, Less wear & tear and high absorption of impact loads during feeding of material on to the feeder
- Reduced pit / hopper depth (~50% less to conventional system)
- Civil works are reduced
- Compact installation
- Buffer storage capacity
- Wider belt design avoids bridging and blocking
- Regulated & rapid discharge of materials
- Low operating costs & less power consumption
- Eco-friendly system design
- Safe unit operation
- Skid mounted concept allows easy relocation
Working Principle
- Material is discharged directly from tipper trucks, truck tipplers and dumpers into the bulk feeder hopper
- Once the material is discharged completely into bulk feeder, the same can be conveyed further or feeder itself can act as buffer storage
- The aprons (square/trapezoidal type) connected between two chains strands are fixed with a wider belt. Spillage is arrested due to low conveying speed and proper skirt sealing along the length of the conveyor
- Regulated discharge rates are achieved through control system like VVF Drives.Electric or hydraulic drive units are used to drive the system
- Coal
- Pet coke
- Iron Ore
- Clinker
- Limestone
- Bauxite
- Gypsum
- Sand